BPA is holding bi-weekly EIM Settlements meetings as a platform to discuss common EIM Settlement issues, present questions to the EIM Settlements team and address them in a collaborative manner. BPA's intent of having these EIM Settlement informational meetings is to partner with customers and effectively respond to their EIM Settlement inquiries.

Please send your questions and proposed agenda items to EESCSettlements@bpa.gov and cc: gridmod@bpa.gov.

Additional meeting details will be provided on the EIM webpage.

Webex: https://mybpa.webex.com/mybpa/j.php?MTID=m70e0279599996784e16b332a69cef704 

Meeting number (access code): 2760 420 0177

Meeting password: vnCTqmi5@27

NOTE: BPA recommends joining the audio portion by using the "call me" function. In addition, please be sure to enter your first, last and company name when entering the Webex.


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