Resource Program

The Resource Program provides analysis and insight into long-term, least-cost power resource acquisition strategies. To accomplish this, the Resource Program examines uncertainty in loads, water supply, resource availability, natural gas prices, and electricity market prices to develop a least-cost portfolio of resources that meet BPA's obligations. BPA launched its Resource Program shortly after passage of the Northwest Power Act in 1980 to assess BPA’s need for power and reserves and develop an acquisition strategy to meet those needs.

For more information or to submit questions/comments, please contact Brian Dombeck or Ryan Egerdahl.

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White Book: Loads and Resources Study

BPA publishes the Pacific Northwest Loads and Resources Study (White Book) each year to help plan for adequate, efficient, and reliable long-term load service for both the federal system and the region. The White Book provides BPA's projections of retail loads, contract obligations, contract purchases, and resource capabilities over a 10-year study horizon.

The White Book also contains information obtained from other formalized resource planning reports and data submittals, including those from individual utilities, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (Council), and the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee (PNUCC).

White Books are available, by year, below. If technical appendixes are not included as separate linked documents, they are available upon request and a list of available reports can be found in Appendix A of the White Book.


White Book Library