
Current Rates & Tariff Proceedings

Access the secure rate case website and find information on current rate and tariff proceedings as well as the Rate Period High Water Mark process.

blue butterfly allium flower on marys peak

Inactive Rate & Tariff Proceedings

Find information on historic rate and tariff proceedings.

bonneville dam transmission tower columbia river gorge

Current Rates & Tariff

Find information on Power and transmission rates, rate adjustments and the transmission tariff. 

transmission towers in field

Background Information

Find information on how BPA sets Power and Transmission rates and the Rules of Procedure.


BPA sets its rates as low as possible while remaining consistent with sound business principles. Low-cost, clean power has been a cornerstone of the Northwest economy for decades, stimulating growth and new jobs.

News & Events

See all BPA events

Public Rate Design Methodology 2029 - Public Workshop

This workshop is one of a series to develop the Public Rate Design Methodology 2029.

Provider of Choice Workshop

BPA will hold a Provider of Choice workshop.