BPA Tariff Effective Jun. 30, 2024

On Jan. 26, 2024, BPA issued the Administrator's Final Record of Decision in the TC-25 Terms and Conditions Tariff Proceeding adopting the modified terms and conditions of the Tariff to be effective on Jun. 30, 2024.

Open Access Transmission Tariff, effective Jun. 30, 2024
TC-25 Tariff Proceeding
The attachments below are included in the OATT above, but are also posted individually for convenience.
Attachment C (ATC Methodology) (6/30/2024)
Attachment L (LGIP) (6/30/2024)
Attachment N (SGIP) (6/30/2024) 
Attachment Q (EIM) (6/30/2024)
Attachment R (LGI Transition Process) (6/30/2024)

Reference Documents

Customer Reciprocity Statements (2/24/2012)
Attachment E: PTP Customer List (01/14/2025)
Attachment I: NT Customer List (01/14/2025)
OATT Interest Rates 

Open Access Transmission Tariff Archive

This is the archive for expired BPA Open Access Transmission Tariffs.
Tariff adopted in TC-24 (expired 6/29/2024)
Tariff adopted in TC-22 (expired 9/30/2023)
Tariff adopted in TC-20 (expired 9/30/2021)
Open Access Transmission Tariff (expired 9/30/2019)