Transmission Planner
BPA has analyzed the Transmission Planner (TP) function and how we interact with connected systems and entities. BPA has determined the most efficient and effective approach to meet compliance requirements is a combination of Coordinated Functional Registration (CFR) agreements where warranted, and BPA acting as the TP for applicable entities on a case by case basis. This page is for interested parties who wish to learn more about BPA’s approach to the TP function. Please use contact link below for further information or if you have specific questions.
Reliability Program Contact
Lorissa Cardoza
Supervisor, Customer Service Reliability Program
Bonneville Power Administration
TP Coordinated Functional Registration (CFR)
BPA has entered into a NERC CFR contract with several Transmission Owners (TO) within our Planning Coordinator (PC) footprint. The TP CFR allows BPA and the TO to share compliance responsibility for all of the TP NERC standards. The TOs benefit from the TP CFR by having BPA perform the studies and system assessment, plus other activities as required by standards. BPA benefits by being able to plan out Transmission system in a more holistic way through cooperation with fellow TOs. The TP CFR is a pay for service contract arrangement administered by BPA’s Customer Service Reliability Program (CSRP).
TP CFR Annual Key Dates
- January
- New Cost Allocation Effective
- Short Circuit Report Distributed
- Annual System Review (ASR) - see ASR tab below
- April
- TPL-001-5 Data Coordination Starts
- May
- TPL-001-5 Data Coordination due
- June
- July
- Compliance Packets Finalized
- August
- Customer Workshop combined with TOP (08/28/2024)
- September
- Annual Data Exchange - See Planning Coordinator tab below
- October
- Cost Spreadsheet Final - Effective January 2025
- Billing Exhibit Updates to follow
Transmission Planner Implementation Procedures (TPIP)
Exhibit Update Forms
TP Generator Owners
WECC undertook efforts to close a "registration gap" where Generator Owners (GO) were required to map to a registered Transmission Planner (TP). BPA has more than 60 foreign owned Generation Facilities attached to our transmission system and agreed to allow these GOs to map to BPA as the TP. This project page houses Facility level information for GOs that BPA has agreed to provide TP services for. GO entities are expected to abide by applicable processes in BPA’s Transmission Planning and Implementation Procedures (TPIP) located above.