In the May 26th meeting, BPA plans to share a structured analysis of historical losses data.  This data will be used to inform the policy decision around the potential for implementation of a capacity charge.  BPA’s intent is to share this data, along with a staff leaning on the capacity charge issue, with customers prior to the May 26 meeting in order to inform workshop discussions.

At the May 26 meeting, BPA plans to:

  • Discuss any implications derived from the historical losses data set and any leaning on a capacity charge;
  • Present any other outstanding policy proposals on concurrent loss return service topics discussed in previous workshops (step 6 in the customer engagement process);
  • Present an early draft of the business practice that outlines changes necessary to implement concurrent loss return service before it goes through the formal Business Practice Process.


Meeting number (access code): 2760 900 1720

Meeting information and materials will be posted on the BP-22 Rates Settlement Implementation page.


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