Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) proposes to provide funding to the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation to enhance fish and wildlife habitat on about a 241-acre area along a one-mile stretch of the Umatilla River (between river miles 48.7 and 49.7) and along Birch Creek (river mile 0.0 to 0.3) at its confluence with the Umatilla River, several miles west of the city of Pendleton, in Umatilla County, Oregon.

Project activities would remove most of the US Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) certified Pendleton 2a levee as well as artificial berms to restore natural hydrology and reconnect the historic floodplain. The project would maintain the current level of flood protection provided by the existing levee through construction of a new set-back levee along Birch Creek Road.

Fish and wildlife habitat enhancement activities would include realigning Birch Creek’s main channel to its historic meander, realigning the Umatilla River into the floodplain areas previously restricted by the levee, and constructing wetland and side channel habitat along both Birch Creek and the Umatilla River to improve side channel and floodplain interactions to benefit fish and wildlife. In addition, the project would remove existing buildings and decommission a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation feedlot and associated effluent collection pond.


To understand the potential environmental impacts of this proposal, BPA prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) following the procedures of the National Environmental Policy Act. The EA considered BPA’s proposed funding for the Uma-Birch Floodplain Restoration Project, as well as a no-action alternative in which BPA would not fund the project and it would not be implemented. The EA describes anticipated impacts to natural and human resources and identifies mitigation measures to help avoid or minimize impacts. The Corps cooperated in the preparation of the EA to support its Rivers and Harbors Act Section 408 permit decision for proposed modification of the Pendleton 2a levee.

The draft EA was released for public review and comment in April 2023. BPA received comments from two individuals and two entities on the draft EA. Bonneville released the final EA on December 27, 2023, and its finding of no significant impact on December 27, 2023.

The schedule for the environmental review was as follows:

Scoping comment period - Sept. 19, 2022 to Oct. 19, 2022

Scoping public meeting - Oct. 4, 2022 in Pendleton, Oregon

Draft EA comment period - April 18, 2023 to May 18, 2023

Draft EA public meeting - May 2, 2023 in Pendleton, Oregon

Final EA - December 27, 2023

Finding of No Significant Impact - December 27, 2023

If decision to build, construction start - Summer 2024



BPA released its final EA and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The FONSI includes a Mitigation Action Plan to help avoid or lessen potential impacts.


For environmental information, contact:
Jeff Maslow   
Senior Environmental Protection Specialist
Bonneville Power Administration – EC-4   
PO Box 3621
Portland, Oregon 97208-3621
Toll-free:  800-622-4519
Direct line:  503-230-3928

For project information, contact: Fish and Wildlife Project Manager
Ryan Ruggiero

Bonneville Power Administration – EWM-4
PO Box 3621
Portland, Oregon 97208-3621  
Toll-free:  800-622-4519
Direct line:  503-230-3789


Final EA - 508 compliant  (12/27/2023)
Final EA - Track Changes (12/27/2023)
FONSI and Mitigation Action Plan  (12/27/2023)
Public Letter  (12/27/2023)

Comments received
Public Letter  (04/18/2023)
Comment Form  (04/18/2023)
Draft EA  (April 2023)

Scoping comments received
Public meeting materials
Public meeting project-area slideshow 
Public Letter  (09/19/2022)
Project Map  (09/19/2022)
Comment Form  (09/19/2022)

EA Determination  (04/10/2023)