• BPA Record Control Schedule -This is the agency’s comprehensive records disposition schedule. It describes the types of agency records and the length of time they will be controlled before being destroyed.
  • United States FOIA - This is the federal government's official FOIA website. This site can help you determine if information if already publicly available, identify the correct agency, and submit a request.
    • Annual FOIA Data - This page allows you search raw statistical data for all federal government agency FOIA programs. You may view FOIA request processing times, administrative appeals, backlogs, and other data.
  • Department of Energy FOIA - This page aids in finding answers to programs of the Department of Energy (such as BPA) and to obtain information that is publicly available without submitting a FOIA request.
    • Hearings and Appeals - This page provides information on how a FOIA requester can file an appeal when a Department of Energy office denies a request in whole or in part.
  • Federal Register - Department of Energy - This page publishes proposed and final administrative regulations of the 14 Department of Energy programs (which includes BPA).
  • The Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 - This is the statute that establishes right of access by any person or organization to federal government information.
  • The Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a - This is the statute that requires agencies give the public notice of their systems of records (those systems that collect and maintain information about individuals) and provide individuals access to their records.
  • The Department of Justice FOIA Guide - This is a comprehensive legal treatise on the FOIA. The guide includes discussions of the FOIA's procedural requirements, nine exemptions, and litigation considerations.
  • Open Government Initiative - This is the federal government’s open data site and aims to make government more open and accountable.