What We Can Help With

We accept written complaints about:

  • How BPA collects or uses personal information
  • How, when, and with whom BPA shares personal information
  • The type(s) and/or amount of personal information BPA collects
  • Any other concern(s) you may have about how BPA handles personal information and/or its impact(s) on personal privacy

Complaints pertaining to the privacy of business entities, a corporation, or any entity other than a person are not subject to these procedures. Please keep in mind that Privacy Act requests for access, amendment, or correction are not privacy complaints. Filing a complaint does not negate or replace your right to seek judicial relief under the Privacy Act or other federal laws for violations of individual privacy rights.

What You Need to Provide

  • Your name
  • A summary of your complaint or a written description of the specific circumstances
  • A summary of other steps taken, if any, by you or BPA to resolve this complaint
  • A preferred method of contact about your complaint – a mailing address, telephone number, email address or fax number


Once we get your complaint, we’ll let you know we got it within 10 business days. We review it and categorize it:

  • Process and procedural
  • Redress
  • Operational
  • Referral - We’ll refer it to the right office or federal agency if we’re not the right ones to address the issue.

Then, the Privacy Officer will recommend any necessary actions in response to the complaint. We’ll let you know once your complaint is closed and, in general, include what, if any, action we’re taking in response to the complaint. Our goal is to review and close complaints within 20 business days. For complaints that we’ll need more than the normal time to close, we’ll contact you to give a status update.

Where to Send Your Complaint

You can submit your complaint via email at privacy@bpa.gov or mail:

Bonneville Power Administration
Attention: Privacy Officer/CGC-7
Re: Privacy Complaint
P.O. Box 3621
Portland, OR 97208-3621